Thursday, July 8, 2010

the beginning: my exploration of inspiration

this is the beginning, of many beginnings. i just moved to berkeley from venice beach. i am here in search for inspiration, i am an artist, writer, innovator, entrepreneur. for the first time in my life, i am out of school and not working, so i have taken the liberty to write down everything i want to do, and do it. to cook more, garden more, read more, make body scrubs, take more photos, have picnics, and most importantly write more. living alone, trying to keep sane, i've decided to document my process, my journey, an odyssey of some sorts. 

let me start with this: my absolute obsession is moss/plants/flowers, anything green. when i saw artist Anna Garforth's "green graffiti", i just lit up inside. this stuff is amazing, just plain awe-inspiring. She uses moss as her graffiti..... her expression

check it out:

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