Monday, July 12, 2010

body scrubs

i got inspired by the lavender and lemon balm at the Blake Gardens (i'll tell more about the Blake gardens later).  i decided to make some body scrubs. that day i stopped at the dollar tree by my house, i bought a big thing of sea salt, a big box of brown sugar, and 4 super cute glass jars, totaling me 6 bucks! at home, i googled some recipes and found out that the best way to do this was just to improvise, so i made three scrubs, here they are:

1) Coffee, Brown Sugar, Honey

this was my favorite one. i tested all three out before posting this, and the coffee one wins by far! for all the recipe's, i learned that the rule of thumb is 2 parts ground and 1 part oil, so its a 2 to 1 ratio. here, i did 1 cup brown sugar, 3 to 4 tablespoons coffee (i actually saved my morning left overs and used those! good way to recycle!). then i did split half the oil ration between olive oil and honey. very easy, very fast, and your skin smells sweet and tasty!

2)Lemon, Sea Salt, Olive Oil

this is one was nice, however, i think i put too much olive oil, so it overpowered the whole scrub. this one might be good for olive oil lovers. 1 cup sea salt, 1/2 cup olive oil, and 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice. following, the 2 to 1 ratio, i think that 1/2 cup of olive oil is too much, but thats just me personally. the one thing i did like about this scrub was that is was super fast and easy to make, and i could picture myself making this one right before a bath. also, i would maybe try sugar instead of salt, because it might go better with the lemon.

3) Lavender Scrub

i love the smell of lavender on my body, i love the way lavender looks just tossed in a jar as a centerpiece, however, i do not like cleaning up pieces of lavender from my old bathtub. ideally, this would be my favorite scrub, but, i don't have a food processor, so i chopped the lavender as fine as i could, but i still had little pieces at the bottom of my tub. maybe next time, i will buy lavender essential oil, and just add a few drops. but here is the recipe:

1/2 cup sea salt, 1/3 cup apricot oil, 1 tablespoon dried lavender. 

VIOLA!!! my three scrubs!


after three days, my skin feels ridiculously smooth...

to bad my hubby is in LA!!

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